Trigeminal neuralgia is a nerve disorder that causes extreme, brief burning or electric shock-like pain in the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve is located in the side of the head and provides sensation to the face, mouth, gums, teeth, and sinuses. Trigeminal neuralgia is also known as tic douloureux.
The first signs of trigeminal neuralgia may include a burning sensation or electric shock-like pain in the cheek, jaw, or lips. The pain may be triggered by touching the face, shaving, brushing teeth, or eating. The pain is usually brief but may be intense. Trigeminal neuralgia is more common in women and people over the age of 50. Treatment for trigeminal neuralgia may include medication, surgery, or procedures to block the trigeminal nerve such as laser treatment for trigeminal neuralgia Charleston.
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1) MEDICARE, MEDICAID, TRICARE, and other government healthcare program participants and 2) personal injury and worker's compensation claimants.